
自動販売機 「じどうはんばいき」:Vending machine

 自動販売機 「じどうはんばいき」:Vending machine

Vending machines are a common sight in Japan, and many not only sell non-alcoholic beverages, but alcohol, food, and cigarettes. There are also some that can be found selling goods like ice cream, souvenirs, rice, instant noodles, and even 御御籤「おみくじ」(or fortune papers at shrines and temples). Wherever you are in Japan, you can always be sure you're not far away from a vending machine! There is even one at the summit of Mount Fuji!

富士山の自動販売機 「Mount Fuji's vending machine」

米の自動販売機 「Rice vending machine」

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軟派 (nanpa)

   Nanpa means player, a seducer, or someone that pick ups on women (oftenly) in the streets  by Clém