
残業(ざんぎょう)- Overtime work in Japan

 While many of us international students may idealize the idea of living in Japan one day, one thing that is a major issue in Japan more than anywhere else in the world that I am aware of is 残業(ざんぎょう). 

残業(ざんぎょう)means to work overtime, over hours.

Oftentimes in Japan, when working in companies, many employees are expected to work overtime without pay, and it is a major issue that many Japanese salary men and women have to deal with. In recent times I think people are trying to fight back against the expectations of 残業 but I believe that this is still an ongoing issue that many Japanese workers face to this day.

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軟派 (nanpa)

   Nanpa means player, a seducer, or someone that pick ups on women (oftenly) in the streets  by Clém