
居酒屋【いざかや】: izakaya


読み方【よみかた】(reading): いざかや

意味【いみ】(meaning): izakaya; Japanese bar that also serves various dishes and snacks

 居酒屋 むっく | 呑もかな[のもかな]

Kanji and words contained in 居酒屋

酒屋【さかや】: store selling liquor/sake

居【キョ】:reside, to be, exist, live with

酒【さけ】:sake, alcohol

屋 【や】・【オク】:roof, house, shop, dealer, seller


  • jisho.org (definitions)
  • https://nomokana.com/1936/ (image)

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軟派 (nanpa)

   Nanpa means player, a seducer, or someone that pick ups on women (oftenly) in the streets  by Clém