There are several ways to say 'I didn't expect it' in Japanese. Here are some:
1. 2. I didn't expect it. / That was unexpected.
予想(よそう)してなかった prononced as yo-so-o shi-te-na-ka-t-ta
意外(いがい)だった prononced as i-ga-i da-t-ta
The difference between 1 and 2
予想する= to expect
意= feelings, thoughts
外 = outside
As you can guess from these Kanji, the first phrase literally means 'didn't expect', and the second one means more like 'that's different from what I thought'
3. 裏切(うらぎ)られた prononced as u-ra-gi-ra-re-ta
裏切る is a verb 'to betray' and 裏切られた is a passive form of it.
This phrase is used in both good and bad ways (ex: 信じていたのに、友達に裏切られた- I trusted my friend, but I was betrayed by her)
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