In restaurants or cafes, workers will often use keigo, or polite form, to ask you the questions:
店内でお召し上がりですか? (てんないでおめしあがりですか?)
Meaning:Will you eat here/inside the shop?
- こちら=polite form of ここ, here
- 召し上がり=おめしあがり polite form of eating/drinking (?)
- 店内=てんない、inside of shop
お持ち帰りですか? (おもちかえりですか?)
Meaning:Will you take it away?
I have found it difficult to understand in the past, since with the keigo form, words can be difficult to catch. However, I have learned the typical phrases asked, as well as the responses:
- こちらで/ ここで=For here
- 持ち帰りで(もちかえりで)=To go / takeaway
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