
「就職活動」aka「就活」- Job Hunting

 I recently have been able to reconnect with a childhood friend in Japan and learned some cool information about Japanese university life! She is currently in her 4th year of university, which I learned that in Japan 4th year students are called 4回生 (in Japan the year of university you're in is referred to as 〇回生), and I learned that unlike in my university at home in Canada, her university requires students to start the job hunting process as part of their student responsibilities. 

She told me the name for this is 「就職活動」, often abbreviated by students to be called 「就活」.

Not only was it a new cultural learning point for me, since the university does not work to ensure and support and most students start their serious job hunt post-graduation in Canada, but I also learned a new word!

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軟派 (nanpa)

   Nanpa means player, a seducer, or someone that pick ups on women (oftenly) in the streets  by Clém