
How Japanese Address Their Parents

Anya, a character from Spy x Family anime, who calls her parents chichi 父 and haha

There are various ways to call or refer to parents in Japan. Whether it is correct or not depends on the person we are talking to. In fact, More than 60% of people ranging from 18 to 45 call their mother Okaa-san and their father Otou-san, while only 35% call them "Mama" and "Papa".

The most common term to address mother in Japanese is Okaa-san お母さん with the kanji character 母 (haha), and Okaa-san’s meaning is nursing mother.

There a couple of ways the word Okaa-san could be used:
1. When you are talking to your own mother, or when you are referring to her

2. When you are talking about somebody else’s mother

When refer to one’s own mother while speaking to other people, the word haha (母) is more likely to use. However, this term could only be used when referring your mother to other people, and calling your own mother with haha (母) is actually incorrect. A child may use the term mama (ママ) to call her mother as well (this term is not limited by age however).  The more polite term to call mother is okaa-sama (お母様) which can be used to call your own mother or refer to other people’s.

Just like how to call mother, the word father also has several variations and rules. The most common term to address father is otou-san (お父さん) with chichi (父) when referring to one’s own father to somebody outside the family. Some also may address with papa (パパ). Last、 the term oyaji (親父・おやじ) could be use to call father、 which however、 reflect a slightly rough manner toward parent. 

For more information, you can visit:




How to say, “I didn’t expect it” in Japanese

(image: Rachata Stock)

There are several ways to say 'I didn't expect it' in Japanese. Here are some:

1. 2. I didn't expect it. / That was unexpected.

 予想(よそう)してなかった  prononced as yo-so-o shi-te-na-ka-t-ta

 意外(いがい)だった prononced as i-ga-i da-t-ta

The difference between 1 and 2

予想する= to expect

意= feelings, thoughts

外 = outside

As you can guess from these Kanji, the first phrase literally means 'didn't expect', and the second one means more like 'that's different from what I thought'

3. 裏切(うらぎ)られた prononced as u-ra-gi-ra-re-ta

裏切る is a verb 'to betray' and 裏切られた is a passive form of it.

This phrase is used in both good and bad ways (ex: 信じていたのに、友達に裏切られた- I trusted my friend, but I was betrayed by her)

Common vocab for entering and leaving the house

Common vocab for entering and leaving the house

行ってきます :I'm heading out, I'll get going now (Literally 'I will go')

いってらっしゃい : See you later, take care (Literally 'go and come back')

ただいま :I'm home, I just got back (Literally 'just now’)

おかえりなさい/おかえり :Welcome back


旅館【りょかん】: Ryokan


読み方【よみかた】(reading): りょかん

意味【いみ】(meaning): Ryokan; traditional Japanese inn

(株)温故知新、出雲大社正門前の老舗旅館「竹野屋旅館」のコンサルティングを開始~3月1日より新体制でリニューアル・オープン~|株式会社 温故 ...


Kanji contained in 旅館

旅【たび】・【リョ】: trip, travel

館【カン】:building, mansion, large building, palace


  • jisho.org (definitions)
  • https://www.atpress.ne.jp/news/123732 (first image)
  • https://www.pla-navi.com/architects/work/1209/ (second image)

自動改札機(じどうかいさつき): Automatic ticket gate

This week I learnt the word for automatic ticket gate: 自動改札機(じどうかいさつき). I also found out that the first automatic ticket gate in the world was installed at Kita-Senri station on the Hankyu Line in 1967. This was introduced to lesson the connection at station during rush hour, as the station is next to Osaka University.

Japanese Slang:「エモい」, a versatile adjective for strong emotion

 One of my objectives in Japan was to learn popular slang and words used in Japan that are used often among Japanese people my age. One word I recently learned is 「エモい」, a word I learned from hearing how Japanese youth talk to their friends.

When I went home and searched it up, it is a word to express the feeling of strong emotion. Whether you're feeling a strong sense of happiness, sadness, or sentimental feelings, you can describe this sensation as 「エモい」.

One example of the way I heard the word being used is in the sentence:

「バンドの開催記念日のコンサート、接待エモいわ」roughly translating to "the concert held on the day of the band's anniversary will definitely be "emoi".

When you feel strong emotions, albeit impressive, uncomfortable, sad, or nostalgic keep this word in mind! It is an adjective that is very versatile! :)

Japanese Chicken Katsu Curry - Wok, Eat, Repeat

 Words of the week

甘い (あまい)

- amai

- Means Sweet 

辛い (つらい)

- tsurai

-means spicy

                 moon (or month)


My three words of the week

腎臓, じんぞう、jinzō = kidney

病院, びょういん、byōin = hospital

病気, びょうき、byōki = illness

I had a rough week, as you can see. See you next week. :)

片手 (かたて)- one hand

両手 (りょうて)- both hands

片 meaning one. Also used in many other words, e.g. 片思い - one sided love (also a song by famous Japanese artist Aimer).

両 meaning both. Also used in  両親 - parents.


蓮 はす ハス lotus

 蓮 はす ハス lotus

これは、蓮根( レンコン  lotus root )です。


麻雀 : Mahjong



意味 :中国からの伝統ボードゲーム,日本でも人気があります。



Rollercoaster in Japanese is ジェットコースター (jettocosuta) which sounds similar to 'jet coaster' in English. I found it interesting that this is partially a borrowed word from English, however it is slightly different. Jet coaster is a term not used in English, and I believe it is unique to Japanese. 

 振動止め (しんどうどめ) 

振動 means vibration

止める means to stop

振動止め = to stop vibration. Aka "shock absorber" in English.

炭酸(たんさん)- Carbonation

 Have you ever been asked in a restaurant if you would like sparkling or still water? 

I'm sure many of us have enjoyed carbonated "fizzy" drinks before in sparkling water or sodas or other soft drinks at least once in our life! The name for fizzy carbonation in many of the sodas we love is called "炭酸 (たんさん)" in Japanese!

Sparkling water is called "炭酸水 (たんさんすい)"!

I learned this because I found out one of my Japanese friends can not drink carbonated drinks.

Kamaboko for free

Kono tabemono ha tada desu. Kamaboko to iimasu.


   義理     ギリ           Duty
    ハジ          Shame

 (A very exciting bilingual series in English and Japanese - I highly recommend it :) )



持ち帰り : Takeaway


読み方: もちかえり

意味:買った品物などを自分で持って帰ること/ Takeaway



花粉症【かふんしょう】: hay fever


読み方【よみかた】(reading): かふんしょう

意味【いみ】(meaning): hay fever (allergy to pollen)

Kanji and other words contained in 花粉症

花粉【かふん】: pollen

花【はな】・【カ】: flower

粉【こな】・【フン】: flour, powder, dust

症【ショウ】: symptoms, illness

Example sentence

私は、花粉症です。【わたしは、かふんしょうです。】: I am allergic to pollen.


  • jisho.org (definitions)
  • https://tmtmrs2525.com/2019/03/12/%E8%8A%B1%E7%B2%89%E7%97%87%E5%AF%BE%E7%AD%96%E3%81%BE%E3%81%A8%E3%82%81%EF%BC%81/ (image)

花火【はなび】: fireworks


読み方【よみかた】(reading): はなび

意味【いみ】(meaning): fireworks

File:Itabashi Hanabi Taikai Zenkei 1.jpg

 Kanji contained in 花火

花【はな】: flower
火【ひ】: fire


  • jisho.org (definitions)
  • https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Itabashi_Hanabi_Taikai_Zenkei_1.jpg (image)

軟派 (nanpa)

   Nanpa means player, a seducer, or someone that pick ups on women (oftenly) in the streets  by Clém